Wednesday 15 October 2014


Can it be true. Here I am, kneeling in the sands of the scirrocco infested Sahara; here I am on my knees, clutching the formula for Time Travel itself - eureka. We have it at last. Now I can become the young Time Lord that I had had always dreamt I would become one say - eureka !!

Sunday 23 February 2014


It feels odd being here on this planet, what 6000 years after I was last here and then 800,000 years before that. I see they found my footprints on the Norfolk coast recently from that first visitation.

Saturday 1 February 2014


Yes golly gosh - there are loads of Red London Buses around here in this city - It must be London one supposes and it looks like the end of the 20th century or even maybe the beginning of the 21st century, judging by the primitive technology around. Tardis playing up - must park here in Hyde Park.

Friday 31 January 2014

Tardis - stardate 2112

Golly gosh - getting out of this Tardis travelling Time Machine is a bit of an ordeal. My word, toodle pip, and here am I trundling through another time frame. I do wish these temporine equations would better sling together - after all Time is but an illusion as Einstein says in his recent posting - and for us as Time Lords, time is but the measurement of velocity and motion - motion being the old word for sequential change in the universe, according to planet earth's medieval philosophers. Golly gosh - there is so much Tempora here. Now let me see on my triquarter as to which planet we have landed upon.